Thursday, June 25, 2009

From Soft J's to the Softest J's

the J's are just a fragment of what they once stood for and their priorities are way out of whack. No more trips to Cabo, in fact, no one even asks about going anymore. No more emails before games pumping everyone up for that night's game. In fact, we've gone to an automated system now for checking in players, and even that didn't help last night as we had only 9 show up. Mrs. Farinacci showed up to watch one of the most pathetic offensive performances by a Soft j's team ever (Tri-P's is #1).

the only recognizable characteristic of the J's that was seen in last night's game was everyone getting on Sean when he snapped his 5 season long hitting streak followed by an F bomb on-slaught that offended everyone within a square mile.

even Dave Johnston won't write about us anymore.

we truly have gone soft, and that's just unacceptable.

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