Friday, December 19, 2008

WARNING: Hurricane Weezy

guys, i was watching the weatehr channel and there is supposedly a cat 5 hurricane about to roll through SOCAL. expected to arrive mildly at 9:30 pm tonight but truly develop into a fury by midnight tomorrow in the Santa Monica area. As a precaution please prepare yourself with any all appropriate beverages to prevent dehydration. please use this form to update everyone on emergency safety instruction for both this cane and the one following closely behind it - Hurrican RDJ. Brace yourselves for the blackout

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kevin Robert Quinn

I would like to welcome Kevin Robert Quinn to the blog!

Kevin comes in at 6’4 weighing 215 and is an Aries, he likes Asian women and can often be found breaking an 80 year old women’s rib cage while trying to bring her back to life. Kevin has also been seen hanging out with Gary Busey, acting on ER or making out with Louis Einhorn. Kevin is considered by most as an athletic specimen, he is the Current Soft J MVP holder in Softball and also holds a prestigious record at St. Judes for most basketballs kicked during a Basketball game. Off the court/field Kevin is a humble guy who enjoys the simple things, 80’s Power Hour DVD, Crafting state of the art Potato Launchers and thinking about Asian Women. All in all he is a swell guy who will never tell a lie, unless of course you hear him say, “I am not attracted to Asian Women.”

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ryan Djernes

From Ryan Djernes:

“We can use it (The Blog) to update the Soft J's, talk about Dodgers, update people on March Madness. The possibilities are endless.”

And yet still the guy has not made 1 post, seems absolutely crazy to me. Not only that, the guy disrespects all of us by not coming home until Sunday. I mean lets be real people, what is going through this guys head?

On a side note, for all of you going out Saturday night, I am extremely excited, lets get crunk with it!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

SCS Contreversy

this is the time of year when many people are arguing about the BCS and pondering the "what if" scenerios in college football. well today i come to you to discuss not college football but the SCS (shady championship series). as most of us are aware the NY08 SCS was one of extreme contreversy... there were certain rules that were not addressed prior to the trip (18+ guideline), comparable to the faults exposed in determining the big 12 south champion. then there was ryan's "pick up the litter" not ranking quite as highly in the computer polls as he would have liked, similar to an undefeated utah team feeling slighted. i envision this blog as a place where an air tite shady indexing format can be brainstormed and later applied to crown champions during the recurring venues that best suit the ongoing quest for (*quality) nani - TG, Xmas,vegas, coug challenge and of course NY
*this may not apply to all competitors

Most Hated Coaches in Sports

My top 3:
Mack Brown - Texas
Coach K - Duke
Bill Bellichek - Patriots
Charlie Weis - Notre Dame

Get you some Craig!

Welcome to the Soft J's Blog!

This will be your home to talk about Sports, the Soft J's, Ladies and everything that goes on in life in general.

The first thing I would like to add to this blog is the craziest sports injury I have ever seen and everyone probably remembers this from last year:
