Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kevin Robert Quinn

I would like to welcome Kevin Robert Quinn to the blog!

Kevin comes in at 6’4 weighing 215 and is an Aries, he likes Asian women and can often be found breaking an 80 year old women’s rib cage while trying to bring her back to life. Kevin has also been seen hanging out with Gary Busey, acting on ER or making out with Louis Einhorn. Kevin is considered by most as an athletic specimen, he is the Current Soft J MVP holder in Softball and also holds a prestigious record at St. Judes for most basketballs kicked during a Basketball game. Off the court/field Kevin is a humble guy who enjoys the simple things, 80’s Power Hour DVD, Crafting state of the art Potato Launchers and thinking about Asian Women. All in all he is a swell guy who will never tell a lie, unless of course you hear him say, “I am not attracted to Asian Women.”


  1. I would like to add a few things about Kevin Quinn, or KQ as the Asian women call him. Let the record show that he is a proud and true American, which makes his attraction to Asian women an every day inner struggle, thanks to World War II. KQ buys only American cars, eats only American food, and drinks only American beer. I salute you, KQ, the only person I have ever spoken to who owns an American Flag collared shirt.

  2. Conservative, Catholic and Republican only begins to describe this mans political beliefs instilled by his father John Quinn. Not to sound cliché but he truly is proud too be an American, where at least he knows he is free. Yet all of that being said, the feelings he has inside about the women from the continent of Asia in general would make John Quinn cringe. I salute you Kevin for finally coming out and saying I am an Irish Catholic but dammit I want some fried rice!
