Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good Morning One and All!

Now I know some of you are asking yourselves, where the hell has Dave Johnston been? The short is, I've been around. There were brothels to visit, exotic drugs to experiment with, and 3rd world sporting events to cover.

Sadly, my dabbling in the first two activities just listed (when I should have been focusing on the third) resulted in me losing my position at Softball Weekly. Don't worry though, my Wrongful Termination suit is pending.

And so, due to these recent events, I am proud to announce the launching of the David Johnston Soft J's Blog! Okay, so the title needs work, but I'm back baby! Who needs a publisher anyway? My blog will reach dozens, if not baker's dozens', of Soft J's around the world! So, without further ado, a few notes on the season thus far...

  • Paul Farinacci's bid to dethrone Kevin Quinn as MVP has been about as disappointing as Rocky V. What should have been an all out slugfest between two superstars at the the peak of their careers has been more like watching turtles mate in slow motion on the Discovery Channel.
  • Eric Snow and Clint Jackson are completing their farewell tours in style. Both have played admirably and are expected to carry on the J's tradition in new states. Rumors of a wealthy playboy who whisked Clint off the street and is taking him back to his mansion in Chicago (a la Pretty Woman) are currently being looked into.
  • Lee Rosen's gambling addiciton is completely out of hand. Recently uncovered gambling receipts show that he has been betting on the over/under for how many times Rollie Massimino is shown on TV at J's games. This, despite the fact that Massimino has yet to attend a single game AND none of the games have been televised.

That's it for now, loyal J's fans. I've got the itch, if you know what I mean (anyone who's been to Southeast Asia as many times as I have surely does).

Check back tomorrow for a recap of tonight's action.

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