Friday, May 8, 2009

Season 5 Stat Rankings - Through Week 4

Hey Guys,

My name is Milton Adams and although you may not know anything about me, I know more information about you than some of your loved ones know about you. I know that Lee Rosen has a 43% chance to get a hit with 2 outs, with a full count on a foggy night. I know that Kevin Quinn is 78% more inclined to hook up with an Asian after drinking over a 12 back of Miller High Life. In short, I absolutely love stats and have been keeping track of The Soft J stats Methodically for the last 3 seasons.

In terms of backround my friend Dave, who you guys know introduced me to your team, he said I would find tons of entertainment in keeping stats on your team and man was he right. Some of my favorite things to see would be Paul Farinacci throwing his glove 50 feet in the air after making an error. Did you know though that he hasnt made an error in 22 straight plays to him and in 9 straight games? I also love watchign Jason Lepore bat, one intresting note about him is that he has never hit the ball right of second base. I also know that Darren Quinn is notorious for popping out to the outfeild and getting credit for a Sac fly simply because a man was on third. Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I will be an avid poster on this blog and will updating these stats frequently.

Click no the image abovce to see the stats from this week more clearly.


1 comment:

  1. Gentlemen,

    Now that the stats have been released, I fully expect everyone to play twice as hard. I gave up years ago on trying to motivate any of you through my rousing pre-game speeches. Seeing as you're the most selfish group of players I have ever coached, if the stats don't get you going, nothing will.

    And Lee, stop juicing, the league is cracking down.
