Thursday, May 14, 2009

There's A First Time For Everything

I was 18. What were supposed to be the greatest four years of my life were coming to a close. Prom had been a disaster. My date ditched me once we got through the doors and four hours later I found myself sitting alone at her afterparty (which happend to be the only I was invited to).

Drunk, tired, and still slightly embarrased, I was about ready to call it a night. But then somethign miraculous happened - Rowena Kimball, the only girl in the history of our school to make the Men's Wrestling team sat down next to me. Within 10 minutes, we were holding hands on the way up the stairs to my date's bedroom. 17 seconds later (including 12 seconds of foreplay), I had accomplished the greatest first of my life...until last night.

Here are some of the firsts from the J's game last night:
  • First time the J's have started 5-0
  • First time the J's have won in a game in which they were trailing by 5+ runs
  • First error of the season for Paul Farinacci
  • First time Kevin Quinn has been near 10 Asians with out hooking up with one of them

Last night was gritty performance by the J's. Down early, they rallied back with a 7 run inning to continue their push for an undefeated season. Defensively they struggled, and for the first few innings, they looked like the J's of old. But by the 4th inning, they hit their stride, and pulled away late.

It's games like these, the near stumbling blocks along the road to a perfect season, that will make this team stronger in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. TORA! TORA! TORA! Sweet baby Jesus last night had me on the edge of my seat. Easily the most gratifying thing since Snow's 5th going away party or, equally, since the day I looked myself in the mirror and said "I like Asian women and I'm not afraid to admit it". Albeit a horrible umpire who from the get-go hated us cause we was vanillas, this was an incredible victory. And as everyone knows, the world loves to see the Great American Comeback. And since our opponents are obviously not American (I mean, for crying out loud, they took more balls last night than Jenna Jameson ever did). Now as we all know, our motto is "If you have to ask, you can't afford it", but last night made me think about the early years of the Soft J's and our first motto "We like to come from behind" and, to be honest, it made my eyes tear up in sentiment. Well done boys, lets keep the perfection going.
