Thursday, May 21, 2009

Roidin' Rosen

The J's won easily again last night, extending their season opening winning streak to 6 games. They appear to be leaving the entire division behind and are half way to their first ever undefeated season. So what negative news could their possibly be to report, aside from the general locker room grumblings of the more me-first thinkers on the team (Djernes, Quinn, Farinacci, Reiss, Spaulding, and Aronson, to name a few)?
Sadly friends, controversy found the field yet again. Catcher Lee Rosen, the landslide favorite to finish dead last in the race for the heavily coveted Coach's Award, has struck again. I bit my tounge when the early reports of him gambling on his own team surfaced. I grinded my teeth when there were whispers of him beginning to juice. But, because I take my position as guardian and cultivator of this team's storied history and culture, I can no longer ignore the antics of the man behind the plate.
Every sport has one. In the NBA, it's Artest. The NHL has Avery. For NFL fans, it's Vick. Ask anyone in Softball, and only one name comes to mind...Rosen. He is the only black stain in an otherwise untarnished sport.
Last night, in a move that would generally be applauded league round, he brought two female "friends" to the game. The sport has long been trying to generate more female support, and the intial reaction to Rosen's fans was positive. But within minutes, they were taunting opponents and Rosen was continually ignoring the action on the field in favor of pursuing some action off of it, after the game.
In the end, it came to this...
(Insert picture of Lee grabbing ass here)
He quickly shook off reporters after the game, yours truly included, but some of what transpired around him last night was leaked from friends and family this morning. Apparently, after staying out until 3 AM, he was invovled in a Bryant/Tysonesque sexcapade the likes of which would make even Sting jealous. To make matters worse, a battered and bruised Clint Jackson was left half-dead outside the hospital only a few blocks from Rosen's mansion. He swore that his injuries were completely unrelated, but Jackson's history make it difficult to believe that he could have been anywhere else last night.
Reports are still coming in. And, because you are all well aware how much I despise reporting rumor and conjecture, keep checking the blog. I'll be sure to report the events as they unfold...

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