Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Soft J's vs 97ERS - Report

To the average eye, tonight’s game looks like a complete landslide in favor of the Soft J’s, fortunately for me, I have quite a bit more smarts than the average eye. If you look at the 97ERS stats a little bit closer you will notice that this team may be bad in the field, but can be effective at the plate. They have had games where they have scored 12 and 10, which for this league is good enough to win. Their defense looks to be horrendous but somewhat improving. They gave up 17 the first game, probably because they were unprepared. Since then they have given up 7, 8 and 11 consecutively, which isn’t too bad. Regardless, this team looks to be bad but if their defense shows up tonight, it may not be as big of a walk in the park as some might think.

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